
Why Shortsaleopedia?

We are not just information providers – we are specialists who secure successful outcomes daily.
We have amassed a ton of quality, peer-curated content on all aspects of short selling. We’ve made it so you can query our network of experts and get answers for your unique situation. But to view Shortsaleopedia as a noun, a learning resource, is to miss the core verb value: You can have the most successful short sale specialist in your area working for you. At no cost to you.

Our network of specialists closed 94% of the 5,927 short sales they listed last year beating the industry close rate by 220%. We have done the tedious grunt labor of culling through thousands of agents with our stringent criteria to find only the elite specialists. Over 95% of our agents have either a JD, MBA, CDPE, GRI or E-PRO designation and all have been vetted for top 1% track record and competency.

Why does this matter to me? Why not use my uncle’s neighbor’s niece, the Realtor?
A short sale is a complex and nuanced multi-sided transaction fraught with more pitfalls than a traditional transaction. With so many ways this type of deal can unravel, it takes a competent expert who knows how to navigate a short sale. Sign up for our Essential Resource Guide in the bar at the top of this screen to learn more about the common pitfalls we help you avoid. Given that your house is likely your most valuable asset, who do you want handling this important transaction?

A team of interconnected A+ Players elevates each others game
We’ve all seen that magic tipping point in a sports team when a critical mass of strong talent seemingly infects the other players and elevates the level of game play. The phenomenon is at work within our elite community of agents, attorneys, CPAs, escrow officers, and loan officers. We systematically distill what works and then share the magic across our network to improve efficiency for all. We have business processes, technology and a rolodex of key contacts refined over time to get things done quickly.

How do you guys make money?
Contrary to how it might appear we’re not a lead generation company (meaning we don’t sell your information to anyone). We partner with the very best agents in each market and only ever earn a referral fee if your transaction closes. This means we are motivated to find the best-of-the-best agents and ensure they help you realize a successful close. Ultimately, as the seller in a short sale situation your only concern is that the transaction succeeds, you avoid foreclosure and your exposure to future debt liability is minimized. The buyer’s lender bears all costs associated with the sale so your sole motivation should be to pair up with the absolute best agent who has the greatest likelihood of success.

We encourage you to ask questions of our experts, attend an upcoming event and when you’re ready to list, give us some basic info so that we can pair you up with the most appropriate local specialist. In the meantime you can download our “Fact Sheet” to get more information about us.

Download Our Shortsaleopedia Fact Sheet by clicking on the image below